As the largest women’s travel company in the world, Wild Women have spent the last 30 years creating safe, empowering, and exhilarating ways for women to escape the ordinary and explore the world.

Wild Women

In addition to being started and controlled by women, they also hire women in every position, from tour directors to local, on-the-ground guides. Therefore, they supported and promoted women in leadership long before it was popular.

Their knowledgeable facilitators provide professional facilitation and guidance, while keeping in mind the group's variety of requirements and preferences. So you'll have a dependable expert at your side in addition to a group of encouraging women. This is the ideal formula for discovering new interests, falling in love with a new location, honouring a new stage of life, or making new friends. Additionally, they personally handle all of the planning and booking, leaving you with nothing to do but wait for takeoff. No matter where you're travelling to your vacation is intentionally planned to be both pleasant and demanding so that you may discover a new, (liberated) part of yourself.


Wild Women Galapagos Islands Yacht Adventure Trip

Wile Women trip

There's a reason why the Galapagos Islands appear extraterrestrial. There are 45 different bird species that are unique to the isles and cannot be found anyplace else on the globe.

It seems hard to juxtapose different environments. Islands with skeleton Palo Santo (Holy Stick) trees or prickly pear cactus replace mangrove forests. The beaches go from porcelain-white coral shoreline to Oreo-black volcanic sand. The sand of Rabida is as red as paprika. You'll think you've arrived on the moon when you visit Bartolome's lava tunnels and spatter cones!

The wildlife is all around you, whether you are on a panga looking for whale spouts or underwater snorkelling in sync with an inquisitive sea lion or penguin. Blue-footed boobies do vertical torpedo dives with the agility of Olympic swimmers, while frigate birds pursue the ship. While Darwin's finches, bubblegum pink flamingos, lava herons, and barn owls amaze both seasoned and novice birders, red-billed tropicbirds enchant with their kite-like tail streamers.