The artist Pablo Picasso once said, “Colour is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and even influence physiological reactions”
This season anything goes when it comes to colour, so go wild and no, not just a pop of colour here and there. The new bold way to wear colour is bright & top-to-toe. From punchy pinks to golden yellows and neon greens, summer is looking brighter than ever.
Have you ever wandered why you may be drawn to some colours and not others, colours are associated with so many different things, with meanings beyond just visual. Do you want to inspire, energise or calm? Channel some of the power of colour into your wardrobe and see what happens.
Here’s how to use colour to your advantage in your outfits, selecting the right colours can both improve your mood and make you more attractive to those around you. You’ll be able to look and feel great!
The colour red empowers and draws attention toward the wearer, it can increase your self-confidence and make you stand out in a crowd. Wearing red requires daring and judgement. It’s also strongly associated with romance and passion, making it a perfect date-night colour, however it also stimulates the appetite so wear with caution. You’ve got to select a hue that will go well with the colour of your skin.
Sunny shades of yellow are the perfect thing to cheer you up on a bad day, so if you’re feeling down, wearing yellow could help to feel perky and life affirming. Yellow is also associated with intelligence and inspiration. However, as with the red colour, you must be careful to select a hue that won’t clash with your skin. If you feel unsure about the hue you’ve chosen, try it out first with accessories.
Of course pink is the true girly-girl’s favourite colour, but it’s also associated with romance and happiness. Pink is very calming, so don’t wear it if you need tons of energy, plus because of its romance association, pink is a good choice for a date. You can also wear it anytime you’re a little bummed out for a boost. Of course, if you personally hate pink, then that won’t work for you.
Blue is a colour that can be both peaceful and calming as well as cold and standoffish. If you’re feeling really stressed out, the colour blue can help you feel more relaxed. Being an antipode of red, blue affects our physiology by reducing blood pressure. Whether you’re planning to unwind after a hard day at work wearing blue is the surefire option. If you’re sad, however, you might want to steer away as blue can subconsciously make you feel more “blue.” Blue can also make you feel more creative so if you want to channel some genius wearing blue might be able to help. This colour is certain to both help you relax and create a positive first impression!
Regal and sophisticated, purple is associated with creativity and luxury. Like red, purple is a very stimulating colour which can boost your energy level when you see it. It’s also a colour that’s sometimes associated with spirituality and intuition, so if you’re having trouble making a decision, wear purple and see what comes to you. A more violet shade is essential for creating an experienced and self-confident impression. It can liven up even the most mundane appearance. However violet can also make a young face look more mature.
Most shades of green are calm and soothing, as well as associated with nature and the outdoors. That’s why green is such a popular spring shade. Green is also refreshing and has been found to reduce stress in those who look at it. If you’re feeling really overwhelmed add green to your outfit and you might feel more relaxed. Green can also be invigorating as it has many hues, which makes it suitable for all skin types.