La Laguna is commonly regarded as Tenerife's most beautiful town. It features a jewel of a historic town centre, with tiny poker-straight streets surrounded by pastel-hued homes, pleasant bars, and an eccentric assortment of small businesses, and is an easy day excursion from Santa Cruz or Puerto de la Cruz. Have your phone ready for action because it's a really picturesque location.

Image from Spain.info

Explore San Cristobal de La Laguna

San Cristobla de La Laguna, sometimes known as La Laguna, is a village in northern Tenerife not far from Santa Cruz de Tenerife. After Santa Cruz de Tenerife, San Cristobal de La Laguna is the second largest city on the island, with a significant historical centre that is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its grid layout was created in the 15th century and has since served as a model for towns across the Americas, notably Cartagena de Indias in Colombia and Old Havana in Cuba.

La Laguna's old town is a true journey back in time, with exquisite structures dating from the 15th to the 17th century. The town is known for its abundance of churches and religious structures, as well as exquisite mansions.

Photo by Peter Allan

The Neoclassical front of the Cathedral of La Laguna, which was completed in the early 1900s, was inspired by the cathedral of Pamplona on the peninsula of Spain. There is a 16th century baroque retable within, as well as paintings by Cristobal Hernandez de Quintana, a prominent 18th century artist from Tenerife. The cathedral houses the bones of Alonso Fernandez de Luga, the city's founder. The cathedral is located on the Plaza de los Remedios, the city's principal plaza.

The Iglesia de la Concepcion, completed in 1502, features a stunning tower and a wooden Mudejar ceiling to the west of the church. San Cristobal de La Laguna is known for its Mudejar architecture, which is a combination of Moorish and European styles. The church features a lofty bell tower that you may climb to obtain a good perspective of the town.

La Laguna Old Town streets

photo from Viator

Visiting La Laguna means enjoying leisurely strolls along the cobblestone lanes of the Old Town, admiring the majestic homes that are home to stylish cafés, museums, art galleries, and boutiques where you can buy for Canarian items.

Obsipo Rey Redondo Street, La Laguna's most popular street, can bring you to a variety of ancient structures worth a brief visit. The elegant Leal Theatre (Teatro Leal) and the House of the Marquises of Torrehermossa, now the Aguyere Hotel, are worth a visit.

House of the Captains General

Photo by Casa de los Capitanes Generales

House of the Captains General (Casa de los Capaitanes), the city's popular 17th century palace, is located farther along. It was created specifically for Captain generals who previously served to manage the ancient city. The courtyard and ground floor of the House of the Captains General, like many of the historic houses in La Laguna, are available to the public, so stop by for a look of a classic Canarian Island palace.

The House of the Captains General is a beautiful structure with characteristic Canarian Island architectural features such as a courtyard with wooden balconies, timber columns, and a gorgeous garden with a fountain in the centre. The Captains General's House is now utilised for a variety of municipal activities, as well as housing the Visitor Information Offices.

Laura Rinke